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GEOG 64: Geography of Vietnam: Research Tools

Article Databases

Save time searching!

Use Google's Advanced Search to limit by date, language and more
Use Operators in Google Searches

Some favorite operators to remember:
Use quotes to search for a phrase in Google

Exclude a word by adding a dash (-) before it

Search for similar words by adding a tilde (~) before a word (located in the top left of your keyboard)

Limit to specific sites or domains using "site:"
For example: [social conflict southeast asia site:edu]
will search for social conflict southeast asia only on sites ending with .edu

General search tips:

Choose effective keywords- what words are likely to appear in the results your want?  What other words might be used?

To search for text on a page:
press the Ctrl and the F keys at the same time (PC) or press the command and F keys at the same time (Mac)

Writing & Citing

Zotero is a web-based tools used to manage the citations for your research projects.

UNC catalog search


Google Scholar UNC

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