A comprehensive collection of over 200,000 Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals and commercial products. Each MSDS is presented exactly as provided by the manufacturer/supplier and contains chemical and physical properties, health hazards, first aid recommendations, personal protection, fire and reactivity data, spill and disposal procedures, and storage/handling recommendations. This database also includes CHEMINFO, which contains chemical profile information for more than 1,300 important workplace chemicals.
Note: UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Environment, Health & Safety is the subscriber to this database. Please contact the Dept. if you have questions about the database or other items related to chemical hygiene.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Finding Data
These are just a few of the resources you can use to locate research data. Guidelines for citing data sets vary; see specific data resources for more information about citations.
DataCite is an international organization that seeks to promote data access and reuse by making data sets "citable" and linking data to journal articles. This search tool allows researchers to search for data sets by author, keyword, and more.
Figshare is a web service that makes data "citable, searchable, and shareable." Research data in a variety of formats is freely available through the figshare search tool and is protected under a Creative Commons copyright license.