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ANTH 691H: Honors Thesis Seminar in Anthropology: Home

Finding books

You can request most titles that UNC does not have through Interlibrary LoanCarolina BLU uses the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service to request materials from other campus libraries.

Library research methods

  • Keyword search to find relevant or interesting sources
    • Selecting keywords is a multiple-step process that involves:
      • identifying the main concepts of your topic
      • brainstorming synonyms and atonyms that could also be used to describe your topic
      • spell out abbreviations
  • Look for subject terms in relevant books and articles; click on or search those
  • Read or skim abstracts, ToC, introductions, and bibliographies
  • Find relevant sources cited within sources and read or skim them
  • Repeat for every topic
  • Look for the scholarly conversation

Evaluating sources

Evaluating books:

  • Find books published by academic presses or publishers

Evaluating articles:


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Joanneke Fleischauer

UNC Writing Center