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EndNote21 Desktop: 9. Collaborate with Endnote

Created by Health Science Librarians

Collaborating with Endnote

There are a few ways you can share your EndNote library and collaborate with others including: 

  • Sending a compressed library
  • Sharing a library or group in EndNote Online
  • Working in shared Word Documents

Saving and Sharing a Library

The Basics of Saving a Library

  • EndNote automatically saves changes to your library as you work with it.
  • To back up your library or save it on an external device for use on another computer, we recommend that you save a Compressed Copy.

Send a Compressed Library

  1. Open the EndNote library that you wish to save.
  2. From the menu bar, select File > Compressed Library (.enlx)...
  3. The Compressed Library (.enlx) dialog box will appear.  Click on the radio button to choose the desired options. If you choose to to save your library With File Attachments, then all PDF files, with annotations, that are attached to your references will be included the saved library.  If you choose Without File Attachments, then the saved library will not include PDF files that are attached to your references.
  4. Once you have selected your desired options, click Next.

    Compress Library (.enlx)

  5. The Save Compressed Library (.enlx) dialog box will appear.  Choose where you would like to save your library.  Click Save.
  6. If you selected the Create & Email option, EndNote will open your default email system, create a new email and attach the compressed email file to the email.
  7. This option can be used to send your library to a colleague.  The person with whom you share the library must have EndNote on their computer.
  8. Sending a library to a colleague will give them a copy of the library -you will not be able to add references to the same library or collaborate. 

To Open a Compressed Library:

  1. Open EndNote.  Select File > Open.  Click Open Library...
  2. The Select a Reference Library dialog box will appear.  Locate your Compressed library and click the Open button.

Merging Endnote Libraries

Method 1: Import EndNote Library

  1. Open the EndNote library into which you will be importing.
  2. From the File menu, select Import.
  3. Select Choose file to locate the EndNote library that you wish to import
  4. Select EndNote Library from the Import Option drop down list.
  5. Select Import.

Import EndNote Library

Method 2: Copy and Paste

  1. Select the references that you wish to move to another library.
  2. Select Edit > Copy OR Ctrl + C on your keyboard.
  3. Open the library to which you wish to add the references and select Edit > Paste OR Ctrl + V on your keyboard.

Shared Documents with Endnote

The most reliable way to collaborate with Endnote is to have one person manage references. We recommend this method to ensure citations are consistently inserted and updated and to avoid corruption of citation data.  

It is possible to collaborate in a shared document using EndNote for Microsoft Word, and EndNote Online. 

1. Log in to EndNote Online

  • You can log in to EndNote Online (classic) using the same credentials as EndNote Web.
  • Your EndNote Online and EndNote Web accounts will have the same synced library.
  • You can manage shared groups and libraries in EndNote Online and this functionality is not currently available in EndNote Web. 
  • EndNote Online

2. Share group with collaborators

To share a group in EndNote Desktop App:

  • Right click on the group you want to share and select Share Group...

    Share a Group in EndNote Desktop App
  • Invite collaborators by adding their email address to the Invite More People box, then click Invite

    Invite Collaborators to an EndNote Group

3. Insert Citations in Microsoft Word

  • In Microsoft Word, set your EndNote open your EndNote Preferences by selecting the EndNote 21 tab > Preferences
    EndNote Preferences in MS Word
  • In the preferences window select the Application tab, choose EndNote Online from the Application dropdown menu. 
    EndNote 21 Cite While You Write Preferences
  • Insert citations into your Word Document by selecting Insert Citation from the EndNote tab. 
    EndNote Insert Citations
  • Make sure that you are adding references from the shared group otherwise EndNote may not recognize the references when you Update Citations and Bibliography.