Library Data Services caters to researchers interested in working with data, mapping, texts, visualization, and technology. Many of these services are available online. Davis Library Data Services, located on the second floor of Davis Library, offers:
These images are not georeferenced.
These images are from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The earlier aerial photographs for Durham (1940), Orange (1938), and Wake (1938) are provided courtesy of the North Carolina Office of Archives and History; Raleigh, North Carolina.
Images are available in tif format (zipped). Zipped, each file is approximately 72MB. Unzipped, each file is approximately 82MB.
The images in this collection offer physical coverage, not stereo coverage. This means the images cover the entire counties, but do not overlap one another completely. The images in the index maps show stereo coverage - this is why only about half of the images shown in the index maps are labeled with the image name highlighted in beige and are available for download. Each of the downloadable images covers an area much larger than is obvious by looking at the index. The bounding boxes depict the approximate area covered by each image.