Library Data Services caters to researchers interested in working with data, mapping, texts, visualization, and technology. Many of these services are available online. Davis Library Data Services, located on the second floor of Davis Library, offers:
The TRDC is part of a network of Federal Statistical Research Data Centers across the country that provide secure access to restricted-use Federal microdata for approved research projects. Begun by the Census Bureau, a Census employee continues to facilitate access at each site although a variety of statistical agencies now supply datasets through this network.
Here's an introductory video from the Census Bureau.
The TRDC has long been supported by Triangle institutions including UNC, Duke, and RTI International. Duke maintains another site of the TRDC on its west campus.
See the list of available data. These data sets are not otherwise publicly available. Application procedures vary depending on the sponsoring agency.
Agencies contributing data include:
Hosting data in the RDCs requires a Memorandum of Understanding between the Census Bureau (which runs the centers) and any other agency so this list changes. Check the site linked above frequently.
See the TRDC website for information on