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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): Home

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is the mechanism through which the profession of teaching makes advances using evidence-based methods to research effective teaching and learning. The findings of this research are peer reviewed & published.

What is in this guide?

books and texts in a swirl

This guide is designed for researchers interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). It provides a central place for key articles, relevant databases, a selection of books, journals, and web sites. It contains links to and descriptions of resources available in UNC Chapel Hill Libraries.


  • Key articles - Key articles in the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Article databases - A selection of databases to search for scholarly articles.
  • Books - A brief bibliography of relevant books
  • Journals - A brief list of relevant journals with SoTL content
  • Web sites - SoTL web sites


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Jacqueline Solis
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