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Company Research: Researching Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Practices

Where to Start

Company Websites

Start with a company's website to learn about their stated priorities and goals.

Examples from REI:

Other relevant words to look for: ESG, governance, employee relations, equity, metrics, gender or racial equality

Be sure to cross-check info with other resources (e.g. news articles, library databases, rankings, etc.).

Business News

See the page News for Business Research for business news sources.

Search strategy tips:

  • Include search terms such as “number(s)”, “statistics”, “annual(ly)”, “year”, etc. – these will reduce your results set to a focused, smaller size that’s easier to work with. 
  • Use Boolean searching and proximity operators – check help/tutorial information in each news source for specific instructions for that database. Boolean search basics

Guides to Researching DEI in Companies

Note: UNC may not have access to all of the subscription databases listed in these research guides. Go to the UNC Libraries business database list to see which resources UNC does subscribe to and to get access.

Employer-Specific Data: Rankings, Ratings, Etc.

Executives and Boards of Directors

  • Search EDGAR for SEC Filings.

Look for the proxy statement or DEF 14A.

A proxy statement is a document containing the information the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires companies to provide to shareholders so they can make informed decisions about matters that will be brought up at an annual or special stockholder meeting. Issues covered in a proxy statement can include proposals for new additions to the board of directors, information on directors' salaries, information on bonus and options plans for directors, and any declarations made by the company's management.

You can also get these report from investor relations pages, e.g. Apple's investor relations page.

Company Information Databases

Business Research Consultant/Librarian

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Nancy Lovas
Davis Library