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Data to Study Racial Inequity: Getting Help

Sources of data for studying racism and racial disparities in wealth, opportunity, and privilege; as well as to explore the Black and African American experience.

Personal Assistance for Using/Wrangling/Analyzing Data

Online Resources for Using Data

Librarian for Numeric Data Services
& Data Management

Profile Photo
Michele Hayslett
My pronouns are she, her, hers.
Data Management
Numeric Data
Census Data
Locating Data

If you would like to request we acquire data, please carefully read the guidelines at

Social: YouTube Page

Bioinformatics and Research Data Librarian

Profile Photo
Barrie Hayes, MSLS
(919) 962-0264
Health Sciences Library
335 S. Columbia Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585
(Google Maps for directions)

My Profile Page