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1) click the button

2) if available, click an article link, if not, click the journal link

3) if none are available, click on the link to look for it in print at UNC.

4) if still not found, follow the link to request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.

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Evaluating Information Quality Questions

  1. What organization published this source?
  2. What is the perspective/point of view/bias of this organization?
  3. Who wrote the source? What are the author’s credentials?
  4. Anything else you can tell from the article that gives you “credibility vibes”?
  5. What’s the information contained in the article?
  6. Is the information relevant to your project?
  7. How can you use this information? (basically, now that you have this information, what is the next thing you’re going to do?)

Business Research Consultant/Librarian

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Nancy Lovas
Davis Library