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Film & Media Studies Guide: Research

This guide is an introduction to resources in support of the Global Cinema Minor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Film Journals

Journal of Film and Video - History, theory, criticism, and aesthetics in film production.
Adaptation - An international forum focused on literature on screen.
Bright Lights Film Journal - One of the most read and respected online movie journals.
Cineaste - Includes articles, interviews, film, DVD and books about film reviews.
Cinema Journal - Quarterly publication by the Universit of Texas Press .
Film and History - Reviews of books and films.
Film Comment - Film Society of Lincoln Center’s journal.
Film International - Film analysis, interviews, books, and DVD reviews.
The Film Journal  - Online forum for film criticism, study and discussion.
Filmmaker - Magazine of Independent Film.
Film Matters - Film publication for undergraduates.
Film Quarterly - University of California Press’ journal.
Flow - Online journal for contemporary TV & media studies. 
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media - International journal. 
Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television - Journal of The International Association for Media and History.
InTransition - A peer-reviewed academic journal of videographic film and moving image studies. 
Journal of Popular Film and Television - Examines commercial film and TV.
JumpCut  - Reviews how contemporary media addresses class, race, and gender. 
Literature/Film Quarterly - Academic journal devoted to the study of adaptation.
The Moving Image - Produced by the Association of Moving Image Archivists.
New Review of Film and Television Studies - critical analysis and review of film and television
Quarterly Review of Film and Video Essays, reviews and interviews.
Scope - Peer-reviewed articles on film and TV.
Screen - A leading international journal of academic film and television studies.
Senses of Cinema - Online film journal devoted to the discussion of cinema.
Sight and Sound - The British Film Institute’s journal on film.
Variety - Important trade publication.
The Velvet Light Trap - A journal for film, tv and other media. 
Wide Angle - Taking an in-depth look that international film.

Film Databases

E-Journals Search

Looking for more Journals and articles for your research? Just look by selecting E-journals underneath the search fill in box on the UNC Libraries' main page.


From here you can search for Journals using your subject

or search using keywords to find the journal using the Search fill in box.

You can also use the Search articles (without finding the journal first) using the article search box in the top right corner.

Article Searching Tips

Searching in databases?  Try these handy tips:
Use Wildcard Characters.
ie. A search for economic conditions, type the word econ* with an astericks. That will return economies, economic, economist and any other word that starts with E C O N.
Use Quotes.
When searching two works, quotes will search words that are next to each other.  ie. When "Thomas Jefferson" is searched, only those articles with his name will be returned.

Media Librarian

Profile Photo
Winifred Metz
Media & Design Center,
Undergraduate Library
(919) 962-4099

Using Find@ UNC

If an article search comes back that we don't have an item:
1) click the  button
2) if available, click an article link, if not, click the journal link
3) if none are available, click the