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GEOG 428: Global Cities: Research Tools

Introduction to Research

Interdisciplinary Article Databases

Sources of Data

UNC Catalog Search

Advanced Search | New Books | WorldCat

Suggested catalog subjects: Cities and Towns | City and Town Life | Sociology, Urban | Urban Policy | Urban Problems 

Save time searching!

When searching the preceding databases, use these tips for better results:

  • Use wildcard characters:  If searching for economic conditions, type the word econ* with an asterisk. That will return economies, economic, economist and any other word that starts with [e c o n].
  • Use quotes:  When searching for two words, quotes will search for the words when they're next to each other.  Thomas Jefferson will return articles with Thomas Payne and Jefferson Starship.  But when "Thomas Jefferson" is searched, only those articles with his name will be returned.

Use Google's Advanced Search to limit by date, language and more
Use Operators in Google Searches

Some favorite operators to remember:
Use quotes to search for a phrase in Google

Exclude a word by adding a dash (-) before it

Search for similar words by adding a tilde (~) before a word (located in the top left of your keyboard)

Limit to specific sites or domains using "site:"
For example: [urban policy  site:edu]
will search for urban policy only on sites ending with .edu

General search tips:

Choose effective keywords- what words are likely to appear in the results your want?  What other words might be used?

To search for text on a page:
press the Ctrl and the F keys at the same time (PC) or press the command and F keys at the same time (Mac)