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Resources for Korean Language Learning and Teaching: Online Resources

Dictionaries and Encyclopedia

Click here to find Korean language dictionaries that are available at Davis Library

Korean Culture is run by the Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The website features five main menus: News Focus, Exploring Korea, Events, Library, Directory. News Focus covers the government news and latest local news. Exploring Korea provides users with general information on Korea relating to issues, business, culture, life, studies and travel. Events section provides information on major festivals and exhibitions in Korea. Library contains publication, magazines, slides, videos, wallpapers, e-books and other materials in digital formats. Lastly, directory provides a wide range of websites that offer customized information on travel, business, study, work, immigration and media.

Koreana, a quarterly magazine on Korean art and culture published by the Korea Foundation since 1987, is dedicated to increasing awareness about Korea’s cultural heritage overseas, as well as providing information about current artistic and cultural activities. It also introduces Korea's traditional arts, lifestyles, natural attractions and other topics related to Korea. Koreana Webzine provides access to all articles that have been printed in Koreana since 1987. Articles from the English edition are offered in text and PDF format, while articles from editions in other languages are in PDF format only.

Sponsored by Korean Film Archive, this YouTube channel features 98 Korean classic movies from as early as 1930s with English subtitles. 

Korean Film Archive collects, preserves, and makes available the data related to movies such as scenarios, posters, still photos, bibliographies, DVDs and online videos as well as all movie films produced in Korea. 

  • Palaeography of Western Literature for Korean
    Myongji-LG Korean Studies Library's digital database provides users with full-text images of Korea-related books, maps, documents in Western languages, along with their indexes, tables of contents in Korean and full bibliographic information.

Resources for Korean Language Study

Online Korean Classes

There are a number of online Korean language study programs offered by Nuri-Sejong Hakdang (King Sejong Institute) and large universities in Korea. The online programs are available for all levels of study, and offer activities designed to enhance knowledge of the Korean language and Korean culture.

provides various Korean language learning services for educational institutions overseas. 

offers an online study program for acquiring basic knowledge about Hangeul and Korean culture, as well as useful vocabulary, expressions, and conversational skills. The program is comprised of 20 chapters, and audio files and scripts are available for download.

offers courses on understanding Korean culture and the Korean language, including great variety of Korean texts such as letters of introduction, columns, articles, and more.

provides basic information on the Korean language (vowels and consonants), and word reading and conversation practice at the beginner level. The program contains simple word games and writing practice as well. The vocabulary list and scripts can be printed. The courses are available in Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese.

The courses introduce basic knowledge of Hangeul (creation of Hangeul, characteristics, vowels and consonants, etc) and useful vocabulary and expressions for various situations. The program costs $100 per level and is available in English, Japanese, and Chinese.