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Middle East & Islamic Studies: Welcome

About Middle East and Islamic Studies Collections

Welcome to the Middle East and Islamic Studies Collections at the University Libraries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill!

We hope you will find information and inspiration among the variety of scholarly and popular materials that we offer, and that our collections will support you in your research project, language learning, or casual browsing.

We offer:

  • Scholarly and popular materials in the languages of Southwest and South Asia and of North Africa, primarily Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Urdu, as well as in European languages, primarily English, French, German, and Russian.
  • Joint, cooperative collections with Duke University Libraries, with complimentary divisions of responsibilities along linguistic, geographic, and subject parameters, with expedited delivery of materials between campuses.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch so that we can ensure the success of your project together!

Middle East & Islamic Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Kirill Tolpygo
he / him / his
118 Davis Library