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""Resources for MEJO 182 Introduction to Graphic Design at UNC's Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

Image by Coffee Bean from Pixabay

Google Searches

Try these Google searches:

holocaust jews "data" OR "statistics"
(where words in "quotes" REQUIRE that word to be in results)

site:gov "statistics" "data" cherokee "Indian Removal Act"
(data on U.S. government websites about the "Indian Removal Act, which prompted the "Trail of Tears")

"tulsa * massacre" "data" OR "statistics" site:edu​
(data from U.S. university websites about the "Tulsa Massacre" OR the "Tulsa Race Massacre")


Add MORE words to fine-tune your search. Think about what you want to find: # of people affected; death rates; geography...

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