Worksheet on evaluating news sites (pdf), from
News Literacy: Credible or Clickbait.
Asks about the news source's "about us" page, the author, sources, advertising, and comments.
Leads to a conclusion: is the site credible?
Adapted from Candice Benjes-Small's checklist Evaluating news sites: Credible or Clickbait?
10 Questions for Fake News Detection (pdf), from the News Literacy Project.
The Stanford History Education Group has identified 11 assessments from their report on Civic Online Reasoning.
Topics include social media claims & website reliability.
Materials include guideline for student responses at three levels: beginning, emerging, and mastery.
Alternative Facts and Fake News. Blog post about how libraries help battle alternative facts and fake news. From IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Amazing graphic is available as a pdf and jpg.