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These databases contain varying levels of evidence. Ranging from expert opinions to systematic reviews and meta analyses, these health sciences databases are the best place to start your search. Most of the information in these databases has been peer-reviewed, but most articles have not been evaluated by experts to determine the strength of the evidence. This is called unfiltered information.
These resources will generally provide higher levels of evidence because experts have collected, analyzed, and reported on the evidence for you. This is called filtered information.
Higher types of evidence include Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analyses, Guidelines, Critically Appraised Topics and more.
Many evidence-based practice groups publish their findings online.
Other Useful Databases
These databases are not focused on nursing, but they may also be useful depending on your topic. This information will also be unfiltered because it has not been appraised by experts.
Many researchers do thorough studies in order to complete a dissertation or thesis, but these studies may not always be published later as journal articles. It is important to search for dissertations/theses on your topic, especially as these studies can help you as you are designing your research study.
Open Access Dissertations/Theses
NDLTD's listing of International Open Access Dissertations and Theses resources
Need more help? See the guide to Dissertations and Theses in Libraries of UNC-Chapel Hill