Handout from Duke University's (yes, Duke) Thompson Writing Program Writing Studio. Has good guidelines for and examples of research questions in the social sciences.
Using a citation manager keeps you organized. Zotero's browser plugin lets you save articles, webpages, etc., directly as you search.
Use ZoteroBib to generate your bibliography.
A bibliographic index to the literature of public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general. Includes full-text articles.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1915 - Present
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Provides an image archive of important scholarly journal literature in nearly all the humanities and social sciences disciplines, international and foreign areas studies, and many of the sciences. UNC patrons have access to extensive retrospective holdings of hundreds of journals, starting with the first issues. Excludes the most recent 2-5 years of currently available journals.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: Varies. Excludes most recent 2-5 years of currently available journals.
Provides indexing and abstracts of the international journal literature in political science and related fields, including public administration and policy, law, and international relations.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Provides access to the websites of and contact information for the state government agencies of North Carolina. It also provides resources about businesses and employment, education, health, the environment, transportation, and travel in North Carolina.
A non-partisan research group that advises all three branches of state governments on funding and policy issues. There are four main groups, and the Southern Legislative Conference is the one serving North Carolina.
Searches the websites of institutions that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity. These sites are affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, and non-governmental organizations. The list represents a mixture of partisan and non-partisan think tanks.
Papers and reports on topics of current public policy interest, including criminal justice, education, health, national security and international affairs, energy, environment, and science and technology. Contains indexing records for all of RAND's publicly available documents, many with links to full text reports.