Recruitment and Retention is a free service offered through NC TraCS. Get help with recruitment and retention at any phase in the lifecycle of a research study or clinical trial. We offer consultations, tailored recommendations, professional development, and customized services to help you meet your recruitment goals and to retain participants through study completion.
To schedule your free consultation with a Recruitment Specialist, please request a consult via the NC TraCS website.
To learn more about Recruitment and Retention Services, please visit or contact Emily Olsson at or 919-966-6274
The UNC NRP is a peer group that is open to all research personnel to help increase awareness and communication of best practices through a series of educational seminars, resources, mentoring, and networking programs. Leverage the expertise of the entire UNC research community to learn about what others are doing and to solve study-related problems. This group also has a listserv and is a good resource for questions.
HSL has a cadre of expert information searchers who can help you target your study recruitment questions and help you find other resources and expertise you may find useful. The Ask Us button is found on every library web site page when you have a question. Email, call, or text, make an appointment, check an FAQ “library”, and subject experts are options for you.
A guide for staff who work as research assistants, study coordinators, and clinical research coordinators. Find information on regulatory requirements, training and certification, and core information resources in a variety of formats.
Recruitment Toolkits: Browse this central respository for recruitment tools and resources from CTSA institutions nationwide.
Bi-weekly email bulletin containing a snapshot of what is happening in the world of clinical trial recruitment. Features articles, conference proceedings, papers, and training events.
CISCERP is a non-profit organization dedicated to education and engagement of clinical research stakeholders.