There are several ways to produce a 3D molecular model for 3D printing. This particular method uses UCSF Chimera, a program for interactive visualization and analysis of molecular structure. Chimera may be downloaded from the given link.
Note: some people have been having problems loading .mol files into Chimera on Mac OS X.
If you have any questions on this process, please email Jordan Green, Science and Technology librarian email us for a consultation.
1. If you have your desired molecule in ChemDraw, download your molecule as an MDL Molfile (*.mol)
2. In Chimera, load the .MOL file: File > Open...
3. Alternatively, you can search for a particular molecule in PubChem, note the CID number, and fetch the molecular: File > Fetch by ID...
4. Your molecule should appear on the Chimera screen as a stick model.If you would like to use a ball-and-stick model, select Actions > Atoms.Bonds > ball & stick
If you would like to change the size of the balls or sticks:
5. To save as an .STL file for printing, select File > Export Scene... and be sure to select File type: STL [.stl]
6. If you are printing a ball and stick model you will also need to make the model solid by using Meshmixer. Meshmixer is free to download. Import the file into Meshmixer: File > Import
7. Your molecule .STL file is ready to print!