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Student Guide to Generative AI: Citing Generative AI

Best Practices for Acknowledging Generative AI Use

When using a Generative AI tool in coursework, follow any guidelines given by your instructor. If there are none, then

  1. Cite the tool when you paraphrase or provide direct quotes from it
  2. Document how you used the tool

The following five-minute video describes how to cite and document the use of Generative AI tools. This video is part of the AI Plagiarism and Citation module presented by Carolina AI Literacy.

Citing Generative AI Tools

When paraphrasing or providing direct quotes from a Generative AI tool, provide some details about your prompt in the text along with a citation.

The following links provide information on how to cite Generative AI tools for specific citation styles:

Documenting the Use of Generative AI Tools

When using Generative AI for coursework, document your use by including a statement that:

  1. explains how you used Generative AI (Some examples are selecting a topic, brainstorming ideas, outlining, drafting text, generating images or media, and revising.)
  2. lists the tool(s) used
  3. outlines how you adapted the content
  4. and, if possible, provides a link to the conversation. You may also take screenshots and include them in an appendix.

The UNC Writing Program in the Department of English & Comparative Literature has created a downloadable AI Use Detailed Documentation Grid.