Materials cover all areas of European and Near Eastern archaeology and philology from prehistory to the Byzantine era, published from 1956 through the present (update frequency varies).
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1956- Language: English, French, German, Italian
L'Annee Philologique indexes modern editions of ancient texts, collections of articles (including Festschriften), journal articles, articles in collections, dissertations, book reviews, and summaries. Its coverage begins in the second millennium B.C.E. with pre-classical archaeology and ends with the period of transition from late antiquity to the middle ages (roughly 500-800 C.E.).
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Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Language: Varies
Issues are available electronically online and in print at Davis Library[DF10 .H4] Full text issues also available through the Hesperia website. (