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Simple practices for data collection

Here are a few best practices when collecting and using data:

  1. Store and backup your data regularly
  2. File naming and Spreadsheet Best Practices:
  3. Track Changes
    • use a sequential numbered system, e.g.  v01, v02.
    • don't use confusing labels, such as 'revision', 'final', 'final2', etc.
  4. Use standard file formats
    • use easily re-usable formats, e.g. .txt, .csv
  5. Document your data with a "read me" file which includes:
  6. Keep it secure

For more information on managing your data please see "Best Practices for Managing Research Data"

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Finding Articles


Citing Information Tutorial

Use the Citation Builder to format a citation to your chosen style.

citation builder icon

Citation Managers
Citation managers help you store references, format them correctly, and insert them into your own writing. The University Libraries support the following citation managers. Read this guide for a comparison of features.

zotero logo

endnote logo

Sciwheel (formerly F1000Workspace)

mendeley logo

Metadata Example

Metadata is documentation that describes data.* Your READ ME file should include:

  1. Title
  2. Creator or author
  3. Subject
  4. Description
  5. Publisher
  6. Contributors
  7. Date
  8. Type (paper, code,photo,...)
  9. Format (jpg, txt,...)
  10. Identifier (URL, ISBN..)
  11. Source
  12. Language
  13. Rights management


Lab Notebook Tips

Making the Connections book cover

  • Making the Connections
    by Anne B Padias

Lab Notebook General Tips

Make your notebook as efficient and accurate as possible.  Some more common tips include:

*Use permanent ink.

*Initial and date every page.

*Leave a blank page or two in the beginning for a Table of Contents.

*Draw only a single line through all errors.

*Create a table of chemicals & relevant properties with each experiment.

*Record what you have done.

*Record all observations and explanations of why they happened.

*Be descriptive with titles & headings.

*Start a new page for each experiment.

*At the end of each lab, ask yourself, "Can I recreate this experiment/my results with what I have written down?"

Adapted from "Organizing your lab notebook"

Librarian Profile

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David Romito

Pronouns: he, him, his

ORCID: 0000-0001-5997-1344

Librarian Profile

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Therese Triumph
Davis Library, Rm 234