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Legal Form Books by Subject

This guide lists various legal form books by subject.

General and Federal Form Books

American Jurisprudence Legal Forms, 2d ed. Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., 1971 (2024 Update) [KF 170 .A542 1971]. [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

American Jurisprudence Legal Forms contains sample language, motions, and other legal document examples on over 260 broad topics, which generally correspond to the legal topics covered in the American Jurisprudence legal encyclopedia.  

Bender's Federal Practice Forms. Matthew Bender, 2013- (2024 Update). [Available electronically via Lexis to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

Bender’s Federal Practice Forms focuses on those forms which would be used in general civil, appellate, criminal, post-conviction, bankruptcy, courts of international trade, and Supreme Court practice at the federal level. Each section contains analytical commentary before providing forms. 

Federal Jury Practice and Instructions, 6th ed. Thomson West, 2006 (2023 Supplement) [KF 8984 .D4 2006]. [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This practice guide provides jury instructions for judges and lawyers for all parts of a federal civil and criminal case with notes, including some specific instructions for particular federal circuits. Sometimes the jury instructions are preceded by legal background. The first volume also has general information on federal jury practice.  

Federal Procedural Forms, Lawyers Edition. Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., 1975 (2024 Update) [KF 8836 .F42 1975]. [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This form book contains federal procedural guides and procedural forms arranged by topic, with notes and references. Includes civil, criminal, and administrative forms.

Nichols, Clark A. Nichols Cyclopedia of Federal Procedure Forms. Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., 1952 (2019 Update) [KF 8835 .C931 1952]. [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This work provides commentary and forms for federal civil and criminal procedure arranged by type of form or action. It does not contain forms for bankruptcy or cases before federal administrative adjudicatory bodies like the FTC or SEC. Part I is general federal civil procedure and practice, Part II is specific civil actions in federal court, and Part III is criminal practice.  

Nichols, Clark A. Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms Annotated. Thomas Reuters, 2010- (2024 Update). [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This form book provides forms arranged by legal topic, in addition to substantive law commentary, notes and references (including tax notes), and checklists.  

Sterba, M. John, ed. Legal Opinion Letters: A Comprehensive Guide to Opinion Letter Practice, 3rd ed. Wolters Kluwer , 2002- (2024 Update). [Available electronically via VitalLaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This practice guide is about drafting formal legal opinion letters written by attorneys in addition to receiving and interpreting/evaluating them. It includes information about opinion letters for certain fields of law, usually business or commercial. It also includes some sample opinion letters in chapter appendices and sample language in related chapters.  

West's Federal Forms. Thomson West, 1952 (2023 Update) [KF 8836 .W47 1952]. [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This form book provides forms with commentary and notes for federal courts.  The forms are arranged by type of federal court, including the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, admiralty courts, bankruptcy courts, and federal courts of limited subject matter jurisdiction like the U.S. Tax Court. Each form indicates its source such as whether the form is an official form or a suggested one.  

West's Legal Forms, 2nd ed. Thomson West, 1981 (2023 Update) [KF 1384 .A65 W47 1981]. [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This form book provides forms with checklists and legal commentary organized by area of law.  

Wright, Charles Alan et al., Federal Practice and Procedure. Thomson West, 1969 (2024 Update) [KF 8840 .W68 1969]. [Available on Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This comprehensive treatise about federal court practice and procedure also has citations to forms located in West’s Federal Forms where relevant.  Categories include criminal, civil, jurisdiction and related matters, evidence, and judicial review of administrative actions.  In addition, there is a related deskbook. 
