August 7, 2024
Have old photos you want to make look better or photos you wish you could take a person or thing out of? This session will look at the various options available in Photoshop to get your images looking great!
Video recording of session.
Handouts and images used in session
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Description: Need help creating an eye-catching resume or would like to spruce up your current one? This session will cover how to create a resume to get you noticed.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Description: Adobe Illustrator is a versatile program that can help you create infographics easily. This session will show you the basics of Illustrator and how to export your work for use in posters, papers, or on social media.
Video recording of session
Images and data used in session
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Description: Artificial intelligence is all the rage. In this session we will use the AI component within Adobe Express to create a Banksy style graphic that can be used on social media or on a website.