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Drama 120--004: Play Analysis, Fall 2017 (Prof. Adam Versenyi): Production Reviews

Advice on Finding Production Reviews

Finding production reviews for different productions of the same play performed over time and in different locations can be challenging. There will generally be more reviews of English language plays that are performed in New York and London, although there will also be reviews for other major cities.  Finding reviews of local or regional productions may be more difficult.

  • First determine when your play was written/first produced, for that will determine which sources covering which time periods may have reviews. For example, Buried Child  was written/first produced in 1978, so you would not look in sources before that date.
  •  Full text databases of newspapers and periodicals have greatly enhanced the availability of play reviews, but sometimes print sources that reprint reviews or index reviews around specific productions (see below) are easier to use.
  • Sometimes A Wikipedia article (Caveat emptor) will provide a history of performance/production for a major play.

Newspaper & Periodicals Databases

Sources that Reprint Production Reviews

Bibliographies that Track U.S. Productions & Reviews