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ENEC 330: Principles of Sustainability: Home

Finding Research Material

When choosing a research tool to find information on environmental topics, there are several things to keep in mind:

  • What type of information do I want (e.g. Science journals, popular magazine articles, news reports, government publications)? Different databases may focus on particular document types. See also: How do I distinguish between different types of journals?
  • What subject areas am I interested in? Each database has a particular subject scope that you need to be aware of, e,g, public policy, environmental health, economic development.
  • What are the potential assumptions or biases behind the resources? Think critically about the the information you will find.

The resources below are a selection of those available that cover environmental issues, but make sure to look at our longer list of resources in the environmental sciences.

Librarian Profile

Profile Photo
David Romito

Pronouns: he, him, his

ORCID: 0000-0001-5997-1344


Citing Information Tutorial

Use the Citation Builder to format a citation to your chosen style.

citation builder icon

Citation Managers
Citation managers help you store references, format them correctly, and insert them into your own writing. The University Libraries support the following citation managers. Read this guide for a comparison of features.

zotero logo

endnote logo

Sciwheel (formerly F1000Workspace)

mendeley logo