The number of published research articles in clinical dentistry grows larger each year. Analysis shows that even in specific subject areas publication is spread across many journal titles.
The Dental Elf is a daily blog maintained by the editor of Evidence Based Dentistry. It provides brief summaries highlighting evidence-based publications relevant to dental practice.
TOP: The Orthodontic Professors "is a curated site dedicated to providing evidence-based professional opinion from experts in the field...(the) mission is to promote the use of best evidence in clinical orthodontics and orthodontic education."
Two journals attempt to assist busy dentists trying to stay current with the literature by publishing critical summaries of recently published research.
Receiving a list of titles in the new issues of these journals in your email can help you stay current.
The journals each offer this service on their websites, but it can be easier to manage various alerts if you set them up in one place.
PubMed offers this service through My NCBI:
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