Most books about jazz are shelved under: ML3506-3509
Most books about the blues are shelved under: ML3521
This image links to the e-book of Ted Gioia's Jazz Standards.
Below is a sample of some of the many e-books and print books the library has on jazz. Search the library catalog to get the call number for the print version or to find more titles.
The library owns thousands of books and e-books about jazz and people related to jazz. You can search for a particular artist in the library catalog or browse the shelves. If you browse the shelves, look in the category below with which the person is most identified, then alphabetically by the person's last name.
ML410 Biographies of composers (eg. Duke Ellington)
ML417 Biographies of pianists (eg. Oscar Peterson)
ML419 Biographies of people primarily known as performers (eg. John Coltrane, Miles Davis)
ML420 Biographies of singers (eg. Billie Holiday)
Books about multiple jazz artists, or books containing interviews with multiple jazz artists are shelved under: ML385 and ML394-395
Oxford Music Online is also an important scholarly source for information about jazz artists and concepts related to jazz.
To find books about jazz or jazz artists, start by searching our catalog
Ex. ALL FIELDS: Ornette Coleman |
Pay attention to the item's location; there are several collections on campus that have music materials.
When you find a book or recording you are interested in, click on its Subject tab to find similar items. If the item you want is checked out or we don't own it, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.
Artists' websites are important primary sources for biographical and other information.
Also, the resources on the Websites, Journals and Magazines page will contain biographical information about artists.
Many CDs and LPs have liner notes containing valuable information about the works and performers on the recording. Either look up a sound recording in the Library Catalog or look in our streaming audio databases. Be aware that not all sound recordings have liner notes, especially in the streaming databases. Your onyen and password are required for off-campus access to these resources.:
In Naxos Music Library: Jazz, look for the "Booklet" pdf icon for a particular recording.