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Jazz Resources in the Library: Listen to/Watch Jazz

This guide describes many of the jazz resources available from the UNC Libraries and explains how to find them.

Listening to Streaming Jazz

The UNC Music Library subscribes to streaming audio databases containing thousands of tracks from a wide variety of jazz and other kinds of music. Students, faculty, and staff can access them remotely using their onyen.

Search the Library Catalog

Advanced Search | New Books | WorldCat

In addition to streaming audio and video, the Music Library holds more than 60,000 sound and video recordings you can check out. Use the library catalog to find their call numbers, then ask for them at the Music Library Circulation Desk

  • Use ALL FIELDS search.
  • Refine your search (to CD, Vinyl Record, DVD, etc)  with limiters on the left side of the screen

Ex. ALL FIELDS: Miles Davis    
 RESOURCE TYPE: Music recording

Ex. ALL FIELDS: Free jazz

Pay attention to the item's location; there are several collections on campus that have music materials.

When you find a recording you are interested in, click on its Subject tab to find similar items.  If the item you want is checked out or we don't own it, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.

How To Listen To Jazz

Mobile Apps for Streaming Audio

Mobile apps for Naxos Music Library Jazz are available via the Apple Store and Google Play.

Tracks, albums, and playlists from the Jazz Music Library can be downloaded to a mobile device for two days.  Click on the Send to Mobile icon for a recording or playlist and snap the QR code with your phone. All you need is a barcode app on your device. You can also email the music to your phone.