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Lean Canvas: Home

What is in this guide?

This is a guide to library resources that will help you develop a well-researched Lean Canvas. Resources are organized based on the 9 blocks of the Lean Canvas.

For more information about Lean Canvas, read "An Introduction to Lean Canvas".

Here is a blank Lean Canvas template that you can download.

Industry codes

The U.S. government assigns a unique code to every industry or data collection and reporting. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS, pronounced 'nakes' to rhyme with 'lakes') was put into place in 1997. The old Standard Industrial Classification system (SIC) was used before then. Both the new and the old are important to know.

A lot of business databases include industry codes in their information about companies, businesses, organizations, etc. So, you can search for information by using NAICS and/or SIC codes.

Learn more about NAICS by watching this tutorial from the U.S. Census Bureau: available).


This guide is adapted from the Business Model Canvas guide from the University of Alabama Libraries.

Contact for help

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Nancy Lovas
Davis Library