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Managing Citations @ MEJO: Mendeley


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Kate Tompkins
Hussman School of Journalism & Media
Carroll Hall, 2nd Floor, CB# 3365


Mendeley Logo


Mendeley is a set of tools designed to help you gather and organize PDFs, cite references accurately when you write, and share documents with groups.

  • Set up your Mendeley account on the web, download the desktop application (Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux) on any number of computers, and install the app on your mobile devices. Sync your Mendeley library between all your workspaces.
  • From the desktop application, download and install the Word Plugin compatible with Windows Word 2007, 2010, 2013; Mac Word 2011, 2016; and LibreOffice.
  • Install the Web Importer to save citations from databases.

Mendeley is freely available. UNC's institutional subscription provides additional storage space and group sharing options.

  • Personal Web Space
    The UNC version provides 5GB of storage space (about 5,000 to 17,000 PDFs depending on the file size).
  • Shared Web Space
    The UNC version allows you to create unlimited private groups and invite up to 25 people into each group.

More Information

For more information on Mendeley, check out UNC Health Science Library's full site. It covers:

The Mendeley Support site is a great place to look more information on all aspects of the program.

Joining the UNC-CH Institution Group

UNC - Chapel Hill's license with Mendeley provides additional features for people affiliated with UNC - Chapel Hill.  The primary benefits are expanded storage space and the ability to create unlimited private groups with up to 25 members each.

Use the following steps to link your Mendeley account with the UNC - Chapel Hill Institution group.

  • Sign in to your Mendeley account on the web
  • Click on the Search Icon next to your name in the top bar
  • Select Groups above the search bar
  • Search for "chapel hill"
  • Click on the link to University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill   Institution
  • Click on the green button labeled Join this Group (If you do not see this button you are most likely already a member of the group. Many people with accounts linked to a UNC - Chapel Hill email were automatically added to the group.)
  • Enter your UNC - Chapel Hill email address in the box. If you have multiple UNC - Chapel Hill email addresses, be sure to use the one that is listed in the UNC-CH campus directory.