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UNC Law Library - Remote Services and Resources

This guide outlines remote services and resources available to UNC Law faculty and students.

UNC Law School Office of Student Development

UNC Law School Office of Student Development

Office of Student Development Contact Information

The Office of Student Development is here as a resource for law students. Please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of their staff for support. The contact information for members of the Office of Student Development can be found at this link.

Note, also, that the Office of Student Development recommends the Crisis Text Line, which can be accessed at this link

"Healthy Habits" for Mental Health & Wellness

The Office Student Development recommends the "Healthy Habits" provided by the Change Direction Coalition. The following are some of their suggestions for maintaining your health and over-all wellbeing: 

Take Care of You
  • Tune in to how you're feeling daily. 
  • Take regular breaks from the news. 
  • Go for a walk or hike. 
  • Learn and practice meditation. 
  • Keep a food journal and plan ways to eat healthily. 
  • Get 8 hours of sleep and/or take a nap during the day!
  • Listen to an inspirational podcast. 
Check in with Others
  • While maintaining social distance, use technology to stay connected with people in your life. 
  • Call or video chat a loved one, family member, or friend to check in on them and let them know you care. 
  • Write a letter to a loved one letting them know how much they mean to you. 
  • Take time to connect with an old friend via phone or email. 
Engage and Connect Wisely
  • Video chat your loved ones and "join" them for meals. 
  • Review your social media and screen time habits; follow positive people and messages. 
  • Create an online photo album to share with friends and loved ones. 
  • Learn a new hobby! Go online and learn how to paint or make a delicious meal!
  • Pull out board games, puzzles and cards. 
Relax and Reduce Stress
  • Listen to your favorite playlist. 
  • Weather permitting, work in your garden/yard (if applicable). 
  • Open that book you have been wanting to read and escape into its pages. 
  • Indulge in a hot bath. 
  • Catch-up on your favorite TV series. 
  • If you find it relaxing, tackle that junk drawer, pantry or closet!

The full list of "Healthy Habits" can be viewed at this link

UNC Health & Wellness Services

UNC Health & Wellness Services

UNC Campus Health

UNC Campus Health remains open to support individual and campus health needs during COVID-19. If you need to schedule an appointment with a doctor or utilize the pharmacy, please review the information on the Campus Health website

COVID-19 Student Care Hub

The COVID-19 Student Care Hub was created to provide UNC students with financial, academic, and wellbeing support. Please visit their website to learn more about their available services. 

Stress Management and Relaxation Strategies 

UNC Campus Health Services offers a variety of resources and strategies for managing stress and anxiety. These resources include 10 quick strategies for stress management, breathing exercises that you can utilize, and progressive muscle relaxation exercises.

Information about COVID-19

Information about COVID-19

UNC Coronavirus Updates

To monitor the latest developments in the university's response to COVID-19, please visit the UNC Coronavirus Updates page. This site provides alerts on the operating status of the university and announces any major updates related to classes and instruction. 

Main campus also maintains a central Coronavirus Resources page that contains important links and resources for students and faculty. This page includes campus health, counseling services, travel updates, and faculty assistance links. 

North Carolina COVID-19 Updates

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services oversees the state's response to COVID-19. Please visit their website for information about state resources related to COVID-19 and an archive of televised briefings with Governor Cooper and the NCDHHS team. 

UNC Health Sciences Library Resources Guide

The UNC Health Sciences Library created a COVID-19 Resources guide for the UNC Community. This guide provides an overview of sources that provide news updates on COVID-19 and links to state and federal resources.