- Aria Database Provides texts and translations for more than 1,200 operatic arias as well as a substantial collection of MIDI files of arias and ensemble numbers. Searchable by aria title, opera, composer, or character name.
- Exploring Art Song Lyrics: Translation and Pronunciation of the Italian, German and French Repertoire by Jonathan Retzlaff with IPA transcriptions by Cheri Montgomery is an e-book containing translations and IPA transcriptions of more than 750 frequently studied art songs. Onyen and password required. A print copy is also available in the Music Library's Reference Room: Ref. ML54.6.R48 2012.
- The LiederNet Archive Includes thousands of original-language texts of art songs, many with translations. Searchable by composer, first line, title, or poet.
- An excellent website for Russian art song (including translations and IPA for fee plus free access to audio files of historic recordings from Russia) is here.
- Liner notes accompanying recordings of arias often contain good translations.
- Books of translations are found in the UNC Music Library in ML54.6 in both the Reference Room and circulating stacks.
- Many of the more recent collections of art songs and arias, especially those edited by John Glenn Paton and Richard Walters, contain good translations and IPA.
If you're having trouble locating a translation for your song, don't hesitate to ask us for help!