To calculate radio ad rates, take the SQAD cost-per-point (in US$) for market and multiply it by the Arbitron rating for the program that airs at the same time. That will equal the cost of the ad.
SQAD cost-per-point
x Arbitron rating
= (relative) radio ad cost
Step 1: Get SQAD cost-per-point
- For summary data, consult the Thumbnail Media Planner (print, Park Library reference, HF5415.3 .T48).
- For more specific data (by daypart and media market), consult the SRDS radio advertising source (print, at Davis Library reference, call number HF5905 .S74). This is generally listed in a few pages at the front of the book.
- Dayparts are defined as: AM (6 - 10 a.m.), Day (10 - 3 p.m.), PM (3 - 7 p.m.) and Evening (7 p.m. - 12 a.m.).
Step 2: Get Arbitron ratings data from one of the following:
- RADIO ONLINE ® provides Arbitron ratings by media market.
- Check the Radio County Coverage reports in the Park Library. They are from 2009-2010.
- offers free, current ratings. ONLY for stations that subscribe to Arbitron, so not all stations are included.
Note: UNC does not have access to the full data collected by Arbitron. This proprietary data is only available to Arbitron clients.