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American Food Studies: Environment

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Dairy Farm in Coon Valley, Wisconsin

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Agriculture in North Carolina LibGuideThis research guide is designed to assist researchers in investigating the subject of agriculture in North Carolina. It covers the pre-colonial era to the 20th century and contains subtopics such as women in agriculture, farmers' markets, and the North Carolina State Fair. This guide does not include all of the titles about North Carolina agriculture in the collection, but is intended to provide good starting points for research.

ScienceDaily - Features breaking news and videos about the latest discoveries in science, health, the environment, technology, and more -- from major news services and leading universities, scientific journals, and research organizations.

Sustainability @ UNC This organization works toward improving environmental quality, economic vitality, and societal well-being. Their goal is to catalyze the development and implementation of sustainable policies, practices, curricula, and behaviors for all members of the University community.

Institute for the Environment at UNC-Chapel Hill Conducts interdisciplinary research, education and engagement, and creates new areas of study in response to pressing environmental challenges.