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KFBS Resources for Grad Students: Home

Off-campus? No problem!

With your ONYEN and password you have off-campus access to most subscription resources.

Instructions for accessing a resource from off-campus:

  1. Use the library link for the resource (from a research guide or the database list).
  2. Log in with your ONYEN and password when prompted.
  3. Search and research like you normally would!

Managing Citations with Zotero

What is in this guide?

Resources for KFBS graduate students, including PhD students and everyone in MBA@UNC. 

Find Books

Advanced Search | New Books | WorldCat

UNC's Google Scholar

Google Scholar at UNC logo

Using Find @ UNC

Find at UNC button

If an article search indicates we don't have an item:

  1. Click the "Find @ UNC" link or button.
  2. If available, click an article link. If not, click the link for the journal title.
  3. Still can't find it? Request it from another library through Interlibrary Loan.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Stephanie Brown
If you can't find a time to meet with me, check Erica Freed's calendar; she's the KFBS library assistant.

Another Librarian!

Profile Photo
Erica Freed
       If you can't find a time to meet with me, check Stephanie Brown’s schedule; she’s the Librarian at KFBS.

Library Presentation, Aug. 2024

Interlibrary Loan

Carolina BLU logo and link

Can't find the article, book, or report you need at our library? You can request it from another library through interlibrary loan.