Park Library's Finding News Stories at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill includes multiple news sources, including:
Current U.S. News - Articles from newspapers throughout the United States. All online, most 1990s-current.
North Carolina News- Articles from newspapers in North Carolina, including the Daily Tar Heel. Refers to North Carolina newspapers on microfilm and North Carolina radio and television news.
African American Newspapers - Links to online African American newspapers throughout the US. Also links to African American newspapers on microfilm at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Historic U.S. News- Articles from newspapers throughout the United States. All online, most before the 1990s.
TV and Radio News - Television broadcast news from NBC and CNN. Text-based transcripts from most major television networks and public radio networks.
Wire Services - Links to AP and MCT wire services for MEJO students in editing classes (login and password required). Description of wire services available on Bloomberg Terminal in Park Library.
International News - Articles from newspapers outside of the United States. Current and historical.
African American Newspapers in North Carolina- List of African American newspapers published in NC from the 19th century - Present. Includes links to holdings at UNC or online where applicable.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Long-form independent journalism based in North Carolina. Features interesting, deeply reported, nuanced news stories about N.C. 2021-present.
Access:Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Articles from over 900 English language newspapers and law reviews. Formerly known as LexisNexis.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
U.S. newspapers include the Wall Street Journal and other business titles. Tech Note Go to Search / Search Builder to start searching. More help from: Factiva User Guide from ProQuest (pdf)
U.S. newspapers, such as El Diario/La Prensa (New York City), La Opinión (Los Angeles), La Prensa (San Antonio) and Extra (Chicago). In both Spanish and English. 2003-present.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Language: English, Spanish
Alternative and independent newspapers, magazines, and journals, & other non-mainstream journalism. 1970-present.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1983-present
Includes several late 20th century African American newspapers, such as
The Tri-State Defender (1959-1989),
The New Pittsburgh Courier (1959-present),
The Washington Informer (1979-present).
Text only; no images.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1960 - present
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
"Important American newspapers" from the 18th and 19th centuries. They include The Pennsylvania Gazette from 1728 to 1800; newspaper perspectives of the Civil War; several major African American Newspapers of the 19th century; Godey's Lady's Book from 1830 to 1855.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1728-1800; 1860-1865
Includes Early American Imprints Series I and II, over 70,000 printed works from 1639 to the 1820s. Also American Broadsides and Ephemera, over 30,000 documents from 1639 to 1900.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1690-1922