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Digital Study Aids by Legal Topic

A guide to digital study aids available through the UNC Law Library.

Labor Law Digital Study Aids

The following titles are available to the UNC Law community through digital study aids collections provided by the UNC Law Library. You will need current UNC Law credentials (ONYEN and password) to access these resources. This is not a complete list of all digital study aids available. For more details about UNC Law Library digital study aid collections, please see the introductory page of this research guide or contact


  • Mastering Labor Law, 1st Ed. (2016) (LexisNexis)
  • Understanding Labor Law, 5th Ed. (2020) (LexisNexis)

West Academic

Employment Law Digital Study Aids


  • Understanding Employment Law, 3rd Ed. (2019) (LexisNexis)

West Academic

Employment Discrimination Digital Study Aids

Aspen Learning Library


  • Mastering Employment Discrimination Law, 2nd Ed. (2018) (LexisNexis)
  • Understanding Employment Discrimination Law, 3rd Ed. (2021) (LexisNexis)

West Academic

  • A Short & Happy Guide to Employment Discrimination, 1st Ed. (2021) (West Academic)
  • Employment Discrimination Law, Visions of Equality in Theory and Doctrine, 5th Ed. (2021) (West Academic)
  • Employment Discrimination Stories, 1st Ed. (2006) (West Academic)
  • Federal Law of Employment Discrimination in a Nutshell, 9th Ed. (2021) (West Academic)
  • Principles of Employment Discrimination Law, 1st Ed. (2019) (West Academic)
  • The Law of Employment Discrimination, 1st Ed. (2019) (West Academic)