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Qualitative Research Resources: What is Qualitative Research?

Find sources of qualitative training & support at UNC. How to search for and evaluate qualitative research, integrate qualitative research into systematic reviews, report/publish qualitative research. Includes some Mixed Methods resources.

Created by Health Science Librarians

What is Qualitative Research?

The following resources provide an introduction to the philosophy behind qualitative research and how it differs from quantitative or mixed methods research. 

Video: Using Qualitative and Mixed Methods

John Creswell, SAGE

Video: Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

Center for Research Quality

What is Qualitative Research?

What is Qualitative Research (from Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods, Yale University) with Dr. Leslie Curry

Qualitative Research Methods

From Global Health with Greg Martin, from a channel posting global health and public health teaching videos. This video discusses what Qualitative Research is and provides an introduction to qualitative research methods. It includes teaching on ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory and case studies. It also goes into data collection including interviews, focus groups, observational studies and content analysis.

(Allied) Health Sciences Liaison

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Barbara Rochen Renner, PhD


This guide was created by:

Barbara Rochen Renner, PhD

Allied Health Liaison Librarian

and Chana Kraus-Friedberg, PhD, MSLS

Special thanks to:

Paul Mihas, MA and Alison Hamilton, PhD, MPH