Why is this information important?
On this page you'll find:
*UNC provides access to some software packages for its affiliates on desktop computers or through Virtual Lab, but the versions available on UNC computers are not always the most recent. UNC affiliated users can access information about acquisition of many types of software through UNC Software Acquisition. Procedures for obtaining software will vary depending on the license agreement. Discounts to UNC affiliated users are often available through these links.
See UNC Odum Institute, which supports QSR NVivo, ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA and a web-based program called Dedoose: qualitative data analysis software.
Some software packages are available for use through the UNC Virtual Lab. If purchasing your own license, note that most of these packages offer educational discounts and very steeply discounted student licenses (proof required). In addition, some will arrange for free or very inexpensive course licenses.
Free trial version (unlimited time; fully functional, project size limits): http://atlasti.com/free-trial-version/
Available at UNC:
Starts with Free 1-month trial (then pay by the month for the months you will use): http://www.dedoose.com/signup
Free course licenses covering instructor and students for duration of a verified, research methods-focused course: https://www.maxqda.com/maxqda-course-license
Free 14-day trial (includes all the features of MAXQDA Analytics Pro (compare product features) :https://www.maxqda.com/trial
Available at UNC:
Free 14-day trial (fully functional; you can switch among editions during trial): https://www.qsrinternational.com/nvivo/trial
Check UNC Software Acquisition site for special UNC affiliated user pricing. Note terms and version.
Available at UNC:
The Odum Institute at UNC provides training and consultation on the selection and use of these and other tools:
Paul Mihas, 962-0513, is available for consultation about these packages. He can help you decide which might be of use in your particular research and can provide assistance with its application. He also offers short courses on some of the text analysis programs. See the current Odum Institute short course schedule, or contact Paul to arrange a customized presentation to graduate or undergraduate classes and other special audiences.
The following links lead to online video trainings created by the companies who produce these programs. Note that HyperRESEARCH also has a series of hands-on tutorials embedded in the software, which you should be able to use if you have a license.