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MEJO 701: Research Methods: Pre-Class Activities

Library To Do List

Video-watching tips: 
- Increase speed to 1.25 or 1.5
- Read transcripts
- Look at PowerPoint slides (below video)

Here are five tasks for you to complete prior to the library instruction.""

  1. Find 2 "known item" articles
  2. Watch Library Hacks videos (11 min.)
  3. Find 4 articles for YOUR TOPIC
  4. Make an account in EBSCO.
  5. Take the post-pre-class survey at
  6. Stuck? Text us (919) 442-8077.

(image: TeroVesalainen on Pixabay)

Task 1: Search Scenario, part 1

You are researching relationships between parents and college students. Your advisor suggested you read these articles: 

  1. Berríos-Allison, A. C. (2005). Family Influences on College Students’ Occupational Identity. Journal of Career Assessment, 13(2), 233–247.
  2. Price, E. W., & Prosek, E. A. (2020). The Lived Experiences of GLB College Students Who Feel Supported by their Parents. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 16(1), 83–102

How QUICKLY can you find the full-text of these two articles (at no cost to you)? You do not have to ACTUALLY retrieve both articles -- just know how you WOULD get them if you needed to.

Task 2: Watch These Search Tips

Watch these five Library Hacks videos.""

Task 3: Search Scenario, part 2

Find four articles for your Topic.

  • Use any search terms you like. 
    • Keep track of what terms you use so you can modify them.
    • Sample Search Log on this page or create your own.
  • Search EBSCO or Google Scholar (see below)
  • When you find the articles, use EBSCO to …

Task 3: Search EBSCO; Task 4: Make an Account

Find Scholarly & Trade Articles Here

(Search Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, & Communication and Mass Media Complete together)

Questions? Chat the Library


Task 3: Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar at UNC logo