This online report gives a summary of the current election procedures for and responsibilities of the current leadership positions in the United States Congress. It also includes tables that list who held which positions throughout the history of Congress and shows when different positions were created.
This e-book provides a summary of the state of current research on the United States Congress. It is subdivided by topic and includes articles from a number of leading scholars in the field.
Comprehensive source of current and historical U.S. Congressional material, including bills, testimony, reports, documents, selected prints, the Congressional Record, the U.S. Code, Federal Register, and the Code of Federal Regulations.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: 1789-
An ever-expanding database that specializes in offering original PDF copies of full-runs of legal collections. It includes: most major legal periodicals, federal and state statutes, court decisions, attorney general reports and opinions, federal legislative history materials, treaties, foreign & international law material, and numerous specialized legal collections. The text of collections are fully searchable and there are tools to browse or find items by citation.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users. Coverage: Varies.
Coverage and analysis of U.S. congressional legislation from 1945 to today, including how bills are changed, derailed, or ultimately passed during an annual session of Congress.
Access: Off Campus Access is available for: UNC-Chapel Hill students, faculty, and staff; UNC Hospitals employees; UNC-Chapel Hill affiliated AHEC users.