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Sciwheel: Legacy Guide: Invite Outside Collaborators

Guide to registering, setting up, and using the Sciwheel bibliographic citation manager.

Created by Health Science Librarians


This page is being updated to reflect changes in the transition from F1000 Workspace to Sciwheel. The information immediately below is correct. 

Inviting Collaborators (in general) to a Sciwheel project (folder)

Outside (non-UNC) collaborators can be invited to a UNC team member's project(s) using the outside collaborator's email (does not need to be a UNC email address).  In accepting the invitation, the collaborator will sign up to Sciwheel for free (30-day trial, which will allowed continued access to the project beyond 30 days). 

  • Collaborators will get a 30 day trial, during which time they can have up to 3 projects and use all of the tools. After the 30 days, what ends is receiving article suggestions/smart citation suggestions and importing PDFs from DropBox, Google Drive and OneDrive). They will not be able initiate set-up of new projects after the 30 days.

    Once they're part of the shared project, collaborators can do everything you can normally do in a shared project - add and remove articles, annotate, access shared manuscripts etc. This will continue beyond the 30 day trial.
  • If there are any issues, collaborators can contact the support team via the internal chat: 
  • If the outside collaborator is at an institution with a Sciwheel subscription (they can check with their librarian) this free 30-day account can be converted to their Institutional account (click on the support button within Sciwheel for assistance).  More details can be found under "Sciwheel Subscriptions" in the Get Started section of the Help Guide
    • If the collaborator decides to convert to an individual, student, or group/lab paid account, support can assist them in this process, also.