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STORM Guide: Organizing Tips

Student Organization Records Management Guide

Consider This!

A designated Historian in your organization would have formal archival and record-keeping duties. This elected leader would not only be responsible for organizing records, they would also be able to pass down knowledge, practices and history to new leaders.

Develop a Straightforward Filing System

Where possible use descriptive file titles: full names, dates, and descriptions of events will help keep your records organized and help create context for future researchers.

i.e. 6lack performing at Jubilee, 2019.

Some tips for labeling: 

  • Find a labeling system that works for you and keep consistent

Archivist showing folder label

  • Keep an inventory sheet of what you have

  • Find a way to organize your files in a way that is simple and usable for your group

UNC Archives record carton label

  • Organize your digital files and folders using a consistent file-naming convention


Think About Storage

  • Boxes of records in library stacksChoose a central location for physical and digital records 
  • Think about electing one person to be the caretaker of your group’s records 
  • Avoid harm on things that are already fragile and things that could become fragile 
  • Consider how your records are being stored. Make a list of all cloud storage, laptops, hard drives and flash drives where you are storing your records. Be sure that you have backups. 
  • Store physical and digital items away from dampness, dust, excessive heat and sun. Try and keep boxes off the floor in case of flooding.

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