The UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries' catalog is the library database for finding books, as well as other materials, held in the UNC Libraries. The search box on the library homepage defaults to searching both Articles+Catalog, which gives you the opportunity to simultaneously see both electronic materials, such as journal articles and ebooks, from Articles+, and printed books, videos, DVDs and other local resources found in the UNC Libraries’ collections in one convenient screen of search results. However, if you would just like to limit your search to the catalog only, you can do that by clicking the Catalog link, found under the main search box.
The Catalog searches the libraries collection of books, serials, and other materials.
When you conduct a catalog search, the catalog automatically searches for all the words that you enter across the most common fields, including author, title, and subject. Here are a few tips for getting the most accuracy out of your searches. You can try:
Once you find an item within the UNC collection, you can use the call number to locate it within the library stacks.
If you are unable to find a specific resource in the UNC catalog, you can search the TRLN catalog or WorldCat. These wil show you if that resource is located somewhere near by. If it is, you can then request the item through the UNC Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. Use of ILL requires the setup of an account.
After you have completed your search, you may want to start looking at different catalog records or you may decide to refine your search results. On the left side of your search results, you will see options to help you narrow your search results more easily. For example, you can limit your results by language, which is useful if you are looking for books only in English or in another language.