If you have a few citation styles that you use often, you may want to select them as favorites to use when you print a bibliography. To do this:
If you are using the Cite While You Write Plug-in, a bibliography will be automatically created at the end of your paper. If you want to print a bibliography not attached to a paper, though, you can do it by going to Format>>Bibliography.
The Export References function is almost exactly the same as the Bibliography function, except that it allows you to download your references in a citation manager file format. To get there, click on the Format link on the top of the page, and then on Export References.
Use this function if you want to import references from Endnote Online into another citation manager, or into an unsync'ed Endnote Desktop file. File formats available on this screen include BibTex, Endnote, RIS, Refer, and tab delimited.