Learn about the VPN and why you need it! Start here and select your computer / device.
Learn how to download the VPN app & connect to UNC's VPN. This will enable you to access Connect2 off campus if you are borrowing equipment from Park Library. Start here and select your computer / device.
To access Connect2 and make reservations for MEJO equipment, you need to be connected to UNC’s campus network. When you are on campus, this is seamless.
When you are off campus, you need to access Connect2 with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for security reasons.
To use the VPN, you will need to download a software client called Cisco AnyConnect VPN. Download the Cisco AnyConnect client here.
Some things to know:
a. Open and log into the VPN client, and once you are connected…
b. Go to Connect2 at https://equipmentroom.mj.unc.edu/ and use it as you would on campus
c. When you are finished, you can log out of the VPN and close the client.
Contact someone in Park Library if you would like help installing the VPN.
Make sure you're connected to the Group = UNCCampus
Type "phone" or "push" or "sms" in the Second Password field. This is how Duo will contact you for 2-factor authentication.
"Virtual Private Network (VPN)"by Infosec Images is licensed under CC BY 2.0