The Odum Institute is a service and research unit of the University of North Carolina. Its staff provides statistical services including workshops, seminars, and software access. Odum is located in Manning Hall.
Mathematical and Statistical
The UNC Research Computing Group provides support for mathematical and statistical software applications, as well as technical information and assistance for supported research software to the UNC-CH community. The statistical computing web pages provide general information about computing on the statistical server, include documentation and usage instructions, and address commonly asked questions.
GIS & Data Services
The GIS and Data Services unit in Davis Library provides assistance in finding geospatial data and offers research consultations.
If you need assistance, schedule a consultation using the online scheduling app.
Data Management
If you need assistance writing data management plans, understanding agency requirements, and finding data services on campus, see the HSL's Research Data Toolkit:
Health Data2020 Search - Healthy People 2020 includes over 1,200 objectives to monitor and improve the health of all Americans over the decade... Healthy People relies on many diverse data systems including: National censuses of events (like the National Vital Statistics System), nationally representative sample surveys (like the National Health Interview Survey), and other valid and reliable data sources (like the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute)"
National Center for Health Statistics FastStats- "The FastStats site provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages."
Rural Health Information Hub- "The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues."
North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics- "The North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics is responsible for data collection, health-related research, production of reports and maintenance of a comprehensive collection of health statistics"
Interested in searching in grey literature? Check out our guide about it!
How to use statistical programs SAS, SPSS and Stata on Health Sciences Library computers:
Note: Do not confuse the Virtual Lab with the Virtual Computing Lab They are different services. If you have questions about using computers at the HSL, visit the HSL front desk or call 919-962-0800.