Official publication of the National Rehabilitation Association. Peer-reviewed articles that present, describe and discuss rehabilitation concepts and related research.
From the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, manuscripts, reports and reviews relevant to the rehabilitation of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Aimed at professionals involved in psychosocial rehabilitation, innovation and research fields.
From Australian Academic Press, covers a broad range of topics including rehabilitation counseling education and administration, case management, independent living, transition planning, supported employment, and disability management.
From the University of Illinois Press, reports of original research in experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, and in-depth reviews of significant books
From APA, a scholarly journal devoted to furthering an understanding of scientific relationships between behavioral principles on the one hand and physical health and illness on the other
From ACA, articles of interest aimed at counselors, counseling psychologists & student personnel specialists who work in schools, colleges, community agencies & government.
From APA, empirical research articles and reviews about counseling activities, career development, diversity, professional issues, and new measures to be used in counseling
From ACA, research, theory or program applications pertinent to multicultural and ethnic minority interest in all areas of counseling and human development
From TASH, topics include facilitated communication, inclusion, supported living, supported employment, issues of early childhood, self-advocacy, positive behavioral practices, disability rights, & issues of concern to families.
From Informa Healthcare, research & review articles which seek to encourage a better understanding of all aspects of disability and to promote rehabilitation science, practice and policy aspects of the rehabilitation process.
From Wiley, multi-disciplinary scientific reviews on clinical or basic science research in aspects of brain development and function of broad aspects of developmental disabilities
From Wiley-Blackwell, clinical case reports, pathological reports, biochemical investigation, genetics and cytogenetics focused on intellectual disability
From Wiley-Blackwell, an international, peer-reviewed journal which draws together findings derived from original applied research in intellectual disabilities
From Routledge, the official journal of the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed (NADD), offering empirical research and review articles about mental health issues among persons with intellectual disabilities
From Elsevier, original research of an interdisciplinary nature that has a direct bearing on the remediation of problems associated with developmental disabilities